JAC is authorized by s. 119.07(4), Florida Statutes, to assess a copying charge if applicable and a special service charge when fulfilling a request requires extensive use of agency resources. Pursuant to JAC policy, a special service charge will be assessed if the nature or volume of the public records requested requires more than 1 hour of office resources or results in greater than 100 pages of documentation. The charge for clerical or supervisory resources will be no greater than the hourly rate, including benefits, of the lowest paid personnel capable of providing such services. If you request paper copies of records, single-sided copies will cost $0.15 per page and double-sided copies will cost $0.20 per page. Packaging and shipping costs will depend on the request result and shipping method. However, if the total cost determined for providing the records (including postage, if applicable) is less than $25.00, the records will be provided at no charge.
JAC will conduct an initial review of your public record request and determine whether there will be any such charge and contact you with a cost estimate prior to producing the records. The records will only be provided after JAC receives full payment. If the actual cost incurred is less than the amount paid, the overpayment will be refunded.
The estimate will list charges for the number of hours required to search for and/or locate the requested record(s), review and redact statutorily exempt information, and prepare and copy the requested record(s), if applicable. If upon receiving the initial estimate of charges you elect to modify your request or change the scope, you will be provided a new estimate.
You may contact JAC’s Public Records Coordinator to discuss ways to modify your request to potentially reduce the estimated costs. Special service charges can be reduced significantly if requests include search keywords as opposed to broad phrases such as “all documents or emails.” Similarly, narrowing a request to certain individuals or divisions can greatly reduce the use of extensive staff time. In addition to providing records, we will advise you of free online sources whenever possible.